A Plexus Experiment

As most you know, I feel crummy a lot of the time. In an ongoing process of learning to sleep more when I’m tired, what foods and supplements make me feel better, how to better manage my symptoms, and just generally continuing on a slow journey of letting my body heal, the percentage of time that I feel crummy continues to lessen. This is only somewhat comforting on the days when I crawl back into bed with the dishes half done, but it does make me really, really appreciate the times when I can clean, declutter and reorganize my entire kitchen in a single week.

So, when I found out that a friend of mine with similar, but worse, health issues was feeling much better after taking a new supplement, I got curious. And then skeptical, because it was an MLM product, and then curious again, and then… well, then I attacked the internet in search of information.

My search turned up cheesy marketing videos and an intense rant against Plexus that boiled down to, “I tried it, and it made me feel bad, and only stupid people take diet pills anyway”. The diet pills connotation was off-putting, but the ingredients (a combination of herbs/plants and minerals) seemed to match the actual claim that it should help balance blood sugar and support good metabolism. That could help you lose weight, sure, but not in the scary diet pills kind of way, just in the ‘hey, my body stopped being broken about how it deals with fat’ sort of way.

Long story short, we decided it was worth giving it a shot to see if it would increase my number of ‘cleaned the whole kitchen’ days and decrease my number of ‘crawled back into bed exhausted’ days.

My Plexus order (consisting of their main three products: Slim, BioCleanse and ProBio5, a probiotic) came last Friday. I started with just the Plexus Slim to get a better idea of how each product affected me. It tasted like fruit punch with a malty/herby undertone of taste, and since that strange combination tasted really good to me, I figured maybe there was something in it that my body recognized as a needed nutrient.

I spent the rest of the day Friday trying to figure out if I felt any different or not. (Not that I have a tendency to over analyze and overthink everything… Oh, wait…) I’d been having a minor Lyme flare-up, so I’d been having extra fatigue along with lightheadedness and muscle soreness. The next morning I woke up feeling fairly energetic. I thought, hey, maybe the Plexus is working! Then I remembered that it was Saturday, and that if there is one day of the week that I will wake up with energy, it’s the day that I get to sleep in. I discounted the idea that this gave me any information about how well the Plexus was working, and went back to sleep.

Over the course of the weekend I still got episodes of lightheadedness from the Lyme flare up, but the underlying fatigue seemed to be lessening. I also noticed that I very quickly felt headachey if I got at all dehydrated. (Plexus Slim is supposed to be detoxifying, and comes with a warning to drink lots of water to help flush the toxins out of your system.) I also gained three pounds over the weekend, which I find rather amusing, even though it’s not enough weight to be significant. (I have heard though, that when the body is about start healing it likes to put on a few pounds as a reserve first, so there’s a small chance this is a good sign.)

Monday Colton took the day off to recover from some symptoms that were flaring up from his recent health issues. I decided to also take the day as a rest day since he was home and I’d started getting some side effects from the hormonal medications I’m on at various times in the month. Except, by the afternoon I was getting kind of restless with  my rest day and decided that I should tackle a ‘fun’ project. like decluttering and reorganizing all of my craft supplies. This was my first real clue that the Plexus might be giving me more energy. 🙂

Since then I have started feeling more sleepy, like I need extra sleep, but the underlying, deep fatigue is still absent. I kind of wonder if this is a healing reacting again, but it’s also possible that I’m getting a cold, or having another round of side effects from my hormone medication, or that all of this is just part of the natural ebb and flow of energy levels that I usually have.

So, thus far, the official word on my Plexus experiment is that it’s promising, but too early to tell for sure how much it’s helping.

Either way, it’s nice to have my craft supplies organized for once.

Read Part 2 of my Plexus Experiment here.

If you’re interested in ordering Plexus, click here. Contact me for more information on pricing structure and ordering options.

*These statements have not been evaluated by the Food & Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.